DMC “The Painted Man” T-Shirt
Leonard De Vinci created “The Vitruvian Man” circa. 1490. A timeless illustration depicting the perfect male human body in absolute proportion.
DMC has adopted this image and paid homage to the classic artist by adding modern twist; a full custom Japanese Irezumi body sleeve, from ankles to wrists to neck.
Our new Scythning Bolt logo with the Irezumi fill decorates the front breast while “The Painted Man” with the body sleeve occupies the back of the T. We have this T-shirt all white screen print and in full colour DTG print.
“The Painted Man”, a modern classic, made right here in the UAE.
Venimus Vidimus Malus
“We came, we saw, we caused mischief”
#ThePaintedMan #LeonardDeVinci #TheVitruvianMan #Irezumi #JapaneseTattoo #DeadMasClique #DMC